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Uwolnij Ciucha is a regular event during which we liberate clothes from our wardrobes, sell them, and donate the money raised to a brave fighter from our region. The second liberation is coming this spring. This time we will liberate women’s and men’s clothes!

The aim of Uwolnij Ciucha is to raise money for very expensive rehabilitation and treatment of a fighter in need. What is more, at the same time we help each other – by refreshing our own spring wardrobes. This spring belongs to Alicja Mazurek.


13-16th march 2019 



1. Look for those clothes (women’s and men’s) in your wardrobe that you do not wear anymore but are still fashionable.

2. Choose clothes that are in good condition and that others might wear.

3. Bring clean clothes to the CSK – 13-15.03.2019 

4. Come to the sale.

5. Hunt amongst the hangers for clothes you like.

6. Pick them out, try them on, consult your friends, and decide which of them you want to take home.

7. When you are finished drop some money into the collection box.

8. In the meantime you can relax with good music, cakes and delicious coffee.

9. You’ll know your time was not wasted! 🙂


Alicja is a 19-year-old Lubliner who was in a serious car accident a year ago. The driver, Alicja’s friend, did not survive and doctors did not think she would either. Alicja is now in a coma in a rehabilitation center in Krakow. She needs long-term treatment and rehabilitation. The path to independence and physical fitness is very long and expensive, so we want to help her relatives to raise the necessary funds.



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Zaprojektowane z pasją przez Erwina i Karola z firmy Alento